ElfQuest: Hidden Years (vol 1) #14 VF

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This issue is concurrent with ElfQuest: Shards by Richard and Wendy Pini. This is where Shuna's father, a centurian for the Grohmul Djun first finds the chache of crystals from the disintegrated palace of The High-Ones. One very important event occurs when Tyleet, being defended by Aroree sneaks into the human house of Shuna's family. Shuna, dressed in a green shawl, speaks with the elves for the first time, and for the first time, Shuna realises the truth and benevolence of all elves, resolving to help Cutter.The finality of this episode is Cutter ceremoniously dividing the Wolfriders, leaving his daughter Ember to lead the other half, and giving her a straight dagger of expert metal-smithing from the trolls of Picknose's kingship. Moonshade and Strongbow are split up until ElfQuest: Shards #16 (ElfQuest: Hidden Years #29).