Nexus: The Origin One Shot FN

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Nexus is a being with almost unlimited power, hailed as a galactic hero for his role in freeing oppressed peoples on countless worlds. In his “civilian” life he is Horatio Hellpop, son of Theodore Hellpop and Doñita Marlis Esperanza. He was born on the planet Vradic where his father was the local ruler for Sov Empire. In time, the populace rose up and was on the brink of overthrowing Sov rule on Vradic. So, acting under orders of the Supreme Sov, Hellpop took his wife and child into a spaceship with him and ordered the entire planet destroyed. Afterward, he considered himself unfit for human civilization and set his ship’s course for the heart of a black hole. He intended to kill himself, but instead encountered a strange new world which would shape his son into an instrument of justice.