X-Terminators (vol 1) #1-4 Complete Set FN

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1. The young mutants try to adapt to their new lives in school. Meanwhile, demons are out and about and nobody seems able to do anything about it, especially when Artie and Leech go missing. The young mutants break Rusty out of naval prison and head out to save their friends. A tombstone bears the name Frederick Wertham. This is probably a tongue-in-cheek reference to the man who wrote extensively about the dangers of violence in the media, including comic books. Seeing as how this issue deals with demons and violence, the visual gesture makes sense. In the pits of Limbo, two demons clash. N'Astirh, a demon of immense magical power, and S'ym, a demon infused with the Transmode Virus, have a power play in which S'ym gets the upper-hand and orders N'Astirh to find 13 mutant babies to open a portal from Limbo to Earth. N'Astirh accepts defeat, but only because he has his own plan in the making. N'Astirh takes his followers and take up residence in a cemetery in Manhattan. The groundskeeper confronts the demons but is quickly turned into a demon himself. The demons are sent out to find the mutant babies. Meanwhile, X-Factor accompanies Rusty Collins and the other young mutants to the Portsmouth Naval Prison. Rusty is bent on being responsible for his past actions by turning himself in, but he has a hard time convincing Skids to let him go. The authorities try to rush the arrest but Rusty and Skids use their powers to protect their last embrace. Rusty is finally taken prisoner and interred in jail to await what he hopes is a fair trial. A few days later, Jean Grey drops Artie and Leech off at their new school, St. Simon's. The initial plan is to separate the two, but the boys make it nearly impossible to do. One boy, Taki, sees the coddling the two get and becomes a little emotional when he thinks about how alone he is. Things get worse when he wheels his custom wheelchair by Leech and crashes. He can't explain how, but he is mad at Leech for ruining his chair.

      2. The young mutants take on the name of X-Terminators and try to get ahold of X-Factor to help get Artie and Leech back. N'astirh's demons gather mutant babies -- including the new kid, Taki. Crotus and the other N’asteris bring Artie and Leech to N’astirh, who is angry that, although Artie and Leech have power, they are not infants. Artie manages to use his powers to physically project to his teenage friends where he and Leech are being kept, but N’astirh realizes that Leech cancels Artie’s powers out, so he chains them together before revealing that he has so many spells to do which are all slowed down because he is not in Limbo. Solution: he will feed Artie and Leech to whichever goblins bring him something to that he can do his spells faster with. Crotus likes the idea of being able to eat Artie and Leech, and takes N’astirh’s special glasses when he isn’t looking. Rusty, Skids, Boom-Boom, Rictor, and Taki plan to rescue their young friends, but not without X-Factor’s help. They land and, after a mishap with Boom Boom "shaking down" a Pepsi machine, manage to get some coins. However, every time Rusty tries to ring X-Factor’s phone, he either gets cut off, told the number is inactive, or someone - perhaps something - laughs at him. In an opulent home, a husband and wife comment on the strange goings on in society. They go to check on their son but find him being kidnapped by the N’asteris. They fight the demons, but to no avail. Rusty, Skids, and the others decide they best change out of their pajamas and prison clothes. They break into a store and Boom-Boom helps everyone pick out new outfits. The four teens then decide to take the collective name of “X-Terminators,” as a tribute to their former mentors X-Factor, and because they are going to “x-terminate” the evil mutants - or goblins, they aren’t sure which - that took Artie and Leech. 


      The X-Terminators fight their way to save their friends while Taki negotiates with N'Astirh about using technology to speed up the demon's plans. The X-Terminators find an aerial map and quickly find a cemetery with a mausoleum that matches the image Artie sent them. Just then, the library goes demonic and the X-Terminators flee as books come crashing down. They escape and head toward the cemetery. At the cemetery, two guards are attacked and demonized. N’Astirh, meanwhile, continues to attempt to persuade Taki into helping him open a portal for demons. Instead, Taki molds a gun and shoots N’Astirh. The demon alters the gun into a grotesque bug. N’Astirh explains that he has been using this power to transform Manhattan, but he needs Taki’s technological skills to speed up the process. Taki begins to bargain and explains that he needs to be able to work in silence, so that means no baby torture or demon feedings. N’Astirh promises the life of Taki’s friends if the boy will get to work. Demons begin bringing food and toys for the kidnapped babies, as well as technological supplies for Taki. Taki soon has a computer built, but N’Astirh learns that he can’t use it, as Taki has known all along that his powers are negatively affected when demons are near.Meanwhile, the X-Terminators fight their way to the mausoleum by enduring a deviled subway car, possessed sewer rats, angry bikers, and finally demons themselves at the cemetery. They charge through and try to rescue all the stolen babies. Leech’s power disrupts the plan, though, and the demons soon overpower the young team.At the appearance of the X-Terminators, N’Astirh sees his opportunity. He threatens their lives if Taki continues to refuse to help. Taki does so and is appalled when he sees his computer open a portal to the demon world, fused with the bodies of the kidnapped babies.

      4. The New Mutants show up and help finish off N'astirh's plans. With Taki's computer and the beguiling of Magik, N'astirh's demon portal is open and Limbo empties its denizens on New York City. N'Astirh approaches Magik while leaving Crotus to watch the computer. Crotus is vigilant in watching Taki, but he fails to take note that Artie and Leech have overheard how to unplug the computer. The do so and the pentagram over the city flickers. Crotus leaps into action and repowers the computer. On alert, and despite fighting S'ym (who has just appeared), N'astirh sends his demons up to the computer to protect it. Overwhelmed, Taki envelopes the team in a plane and they fly towards the pentagram. In the air, the demons attack and pull Taki away. They take him to N'astirh, who lords the boy over an unimpressed S'ym. Skids races to a baby and pulls one free, but a demon hits her and she drops the child. The pentagram is disrupted again and Rusty grabs Skids. Cannonball shows up with the New Mutants and helps the young mutants fend off the demons. The teams realize that they both had a part in the pentagram appearing and decide to work together. The New Mutants will save the babies and the X-Terminators will free Taki. Taki attempts to flee from N'astirh and S'ym but gets his will overtaken. He sits at the computer and types spells that attack S'ym. Taki takes momentary control of his will and directs an attack at both demons. The demons live, saved only by their unique powers: S'ym by his techno-organic nature, and N'astirh by his magical properties. As punishment, N'astirh begins to smother Taki with rocks. The X-Terminators do their best to stop Taki from being killed while S'ym infects N'astirh with the transmode virus. N'astirh is now a being of mechanical and magical properties. He latches onto the computer and merges with it, furthering his plans unhindered. Taki, however, is able to grasp the computer and change its make-up.