Cyberforce (vol 2) #1 NM

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Ripclaw screams, waking from a nightmare in which Warblade attacks him.  The next morning, Velocity overcomes a droid in a training session.  As Chip, Cyblade, and Heatwave monitor them, Ripclaw challenges Carin to a chase, telling her she needs to train with a live opponent.  She runs, but he easily catches her and pounces.  Heatwave blasts him before he can hurt her.  That night, Stryker finds Ballistic in a bar in Queens. He wants to take her to the Subplex to be with her sister, but she refuses.  They fight, tearing up the bar until she kicks Stryker between the legs and leaves.  Back at the Subplex, Ripclaw awakens from another nightmare, this time including Warblade and Misery.  His screams wake up the rest of the Cyberforce, but, by the time they get to his room, he has left. The team decides to go after him.