Slingers #1 Dusk Cover NM

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"So Whose Idea Was This Anyway?"

The first issue proper of the series comes in four variants, detailing certain events from the four characters' perspectives. While around half of the story is the same in each version, there are two segments unique to each character/variant.Dusk's body is discovered by both the police and Spider-Man, the latter of whom is disturbed to find a young woman dead and in the guise of an identity he once assumed. He resolves to investigate the girl's death, and the source of the Slinger's costumes.Ricochet and Hornet talk over the phone both clearly shaken by Dusk's death. The story then spilts as each of the characters handle a local threat , converges again as the boys meet to discuss Dusk's death, then diverges again as they attempt to stop a train crash engineered by a sick, suicidal railroad worker, each issue depicting the rescue attempt from that character's perspective, with exception of Dusk who arrives too late to aid in averting the disaster, but manages to save a young boy in the aftermath.The common part of the issues begins again as Prodigy visits the Slinger's mentor, the golden age hero, the Black Marvel.