Detective Comics (vol 1) #332 GD

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The Joker has returned and is committing robberies in which he tells a bad joke that surprisingly makes everyone burst out in a fit of laughter, then he robs everyone using a gimmick based on the joke which he tells. When Batman and Robin attempt to stop him they too find themselves caught in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Returning to the Batcave, they find that the Joker sprayed them with a form of "loco weed" that made them hysteric. Devising an antidote to prevent it from happening again, their next attempt to stop the Joker is foiled when the Joker deduces this idea and uses a spray that causes the dynamic duo to burst out in tears instead. Chasing the Joker again, they manage to catch him in front of a police house, but when they try to lock him in one of the cells in it, the Joker sets off his trap causing the cell door to flip around and lock Batman and Robin in, the Joker then flaunts the key in front of them and informs the caped crusaders that he is about to steal an experimental new satellite that is to be launched into space. Carving a key out of the leg of a footstool in the cell using his photographic memory, Batman and Robin get out of the cell and they confront the Joker, beating him this time and lock him up, and leaving him to endure the mocking laughter of his fellow inmates.
Ralph wakes up in a motel room in the middle of the night when he hears Sue leaving with some alien creature. He follows them to a cave where he is zapped into unconsciousness. At noon the next day, Ralph awakens in his bed again by Sue who had been sunning herself all morning. When Ralph asks Sue about last night, she concludes he was dreaming. Unconvinced, Ralph traces his steps from last night and infiltrates the cave where he sees numerous aliens and alien equipment. He fights some of them when Sue appears - but it is not Sue. It is Elva Van of the planet Sathanus who has stolen Sue's appearance as her race plans to do with all humans, secretly taking over the planet without anyone's knowledge. Ralph is trapped in a clear case but manages to escape and begins taking down the aliens only for Sue to reveal it was all a hoax - a mystery/adventure for him to solve...on his birthday. The aliens are actors led by Sue's Uncle Jim who is making a science fiction movie and agreed to use the set and the stunt men in Sue's little scheme. They bring out a birthday cake and some of the aliens form a band while Sue and Ralph dance. Ralph's thoughts reveal that he knew something was wrong the moment he saw "alien Sue" as the alien had the same sunburn that Sue gained from sunning herself that morning - after the alien had supposedly taken her appearance.