Tales from the Age of Apocalypse and Sinister Bloodlines NM

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1. After Xavier: The age of Apocalypse: Magneto is in Central America which is now under the control of Apocalypse. There he is freeing American Statesman Robert Kelly from a Apocalypses prison camp at a Mayan temple when all of a sudden Magneto is attacked by the of the prison guards Diablo and Absorbing Man. Diablo uses his magic of alchemy to grab Kelly by controlling vines and Absorbing Man in a rock-like form knocks Magneto off his feet. Seeing that Magneto can't control Absorbing Man's rock body, he turns his helmet into a war club and smashes Absorbing Man in the face with it. Diablo then tries to stab a Kelly, but Nightcrawler teleports right in the middle of the two and blocks Diablo's blade and then drop kicks Diablo knocking him out and saves Kelly . Meanwhile Absorbing Man tries to fight Magneto but he is taken by surprise by Rogue, who on contact absorbs his powers and Rogue then hits him with a Haymaker, so hard it shatters His rock form. After the fight, Nightcrawler gets a message from Mystique that they have tracked Apocalypse and know His exact location. This Amazes Magneto. Elsewhere, the Prelate Scott Summers waits in a royal chamber as he watches the barbaric torture of the mutant Sunfire. Scott then meets with the horseman Death. He tells Death he wants to see Apocalypse about a transport to Dark Beast. Death tells Scott the transport is sent and Apocalypse is not seeing anyone at the moment. As Death walks away, Scott wonders about what is going around him. Meanwhile in the wasteland of Kentucky, we come to an abandoned farm house and beneath it, is a cavern. A wacky rabbit hops in the cavern and comes to a door. Inside he sees Sabertooth with a scared Blink, Sabretooth trying to calm her. The moment is ruined by the rabbit. He tries to lighten things up but Sabretooth just chokes the Rabbit who turns out to be Morph. Meanwhile in the War Room, Magneto and the X-Men find out where Apocalypse is strategically resting up.

2. An alien spaceship has occupied Apocalypse´s air space but it is knocked down, within it is a mysterious passenger. Meanwhile the Summers brothers are trained by Sinister´s hand following Apocalypse´s directives. Five years have passed since the aircraft incident, the Mysterious prisoner has been tortured by Dark Beast, but no more, he has escaped! Christopher Summers escapes from the pens. Sinister convened an elite task force of mutants, so they can catch the flatscan alive. A myriad of mysteries and revelations are await ....